The purpose of this blog is to satisfy ICOM 101 requirements. This blog will focus on the music industry, particularly the affect Big Industry has on small labels or unsigned artists.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Legend 1955-2011

If you have not heard yet, Steve Jobs a man known for many things but possibly known most for co-founding Apple, has passed away. In regards to Steve's passing Apple posted his image on their homepage with this statement: 

 Let's take a moment to think how he transformed technology. Clearly he has done a lot.

Apple feats:
     co-founding the company
     creating easily accessibly & easy to use personal computers
     providing a means for average people to carry more than a CD's worth of music
     creating a vison for the future
     iPhone - 1st smart phone

Did you know that after founding the company, only a few years later Jobs was fired! Not too long after his firing, he was asked to return and this time, revolutionized technology.
Pixar feats:
     Toy Story
     A Bug's Life
     Toy Story 2
     Monster's Inc.
     Finding Nemo
     The Incredibles

During his time at Pixar (1986-2006) Jobs not only held the company but drove its creative vision. Without his management and skills, we would not have some of the best animated movies of all time.

Jobs was an amazing man who will be missed by many. I know next time I pick up my iPod and browse though my 4500 songs I hope that I will pause and realize that this is a feat because of Steve Jobs. Some will say that even without Jobs we would have gotten to the point we are today, and I suppose we could all say that but looking back at history Jobs may not have been the first, but he was dang good at what he did.

Do you remember 2000? The year of Y2K when we thought everything was going to crash and burn? What was Steve Jobs dreaming up? The very first iPod. When everyone else was doubting, he was planning something that would literally change history. Do you remember a day before computers had flat monitors and there was a big box attached to the screen? He even came up with a was to make that fun, just slap some colored plastic over it and call it iCandy. As we progressed into the later half of the decade technology kept becoming cheaper to create thus becoming a more user friendly price tag. 2007 was the birthyear of the iPod Touch with the iPhone just prior. Touchscreen was a new feature for almost any personal device to have. In 2010 he blew that idea into the iPad, a larger screen with the same idea, used for note taking, games, office work or even e-reading. With all of his projects, he continued to revolution user-freindly capabilities. Now a days, with one touch of a button you can open iTunes, see all of the open windows you have or even quit a program.

Jobs created Macs to not just be machines but to be something people wanted to use. 

Sure some of his ideas weren't the best, Motorola ROKR was dubbed the iTunes phone in 2005 but could only hold 100 songs.  Hockey puck mouse, the original mouse that came with iMacs was not enjoyed by consumers. Power Mac G4 Cube, very expense, very small, short lifespan.

As we transition to think of the softwares Macs have had for years that have impacted the recording industry, almost all of them have been produced by Apple or for Mac products.
     Final Cut Pro Suite - an industry standard produced by Apple for film editing
     QuickTime - movie player for Mac/Windows
     iTunes - revolutionized music and how we obtain it
     Avid products (Protools, Avid, ect.) - Industry standards for film & audio editing
     Garageband - without this homegrown artists may not have gotten their start... Owl City anyone?
     Adobe Creative Suite - for Mac; graphics, websites, photo editing
     Logic - music editing software

To all who said we can't, he said we can. 

In 1993 in an interview with the Wall Street Journal Jobs proclaimed this, "Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me… Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful… that's what matters to me."

Because the people who are crazy enough to think they 
can change the world, are the ones who do.

Here's to teaching us to think differently. Thank You.

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