The purpose of this blog is to satisfy ICOM 101 requirements. This blog will focus on the music industry, particularly the affect Big Industry has on small labels or unsigned artists.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Pirating Process Initiative

more about PPI

The Pirating Process Initiative is a movement to spread the word and explain the damaging effects of piracy on large and small labels. The effects of piracy can be felt by all artists in all markets.

Through this project I hope to enlighten all who use it on the effects of piracy. By definition, piracy is "the unauthorized reproductions or use of a copyrighted book, recording, television program, patented invention, trademarked product, ect."

Now when we see that, many of us often think of this as plagiarism not piracy. In all reality, the two terms are equal and equally bad. Both terms essentially mean stealing from the original creator(s) and use the product for personal gain.

Over the course of this creative project, Pirating Process Initiative will create an interactive website to inform participants of statistics and effects of piracy. Some of the sources for this design will be the FCC for facts as well as labels (both large and small) for their take on piracy.

more about piracy

Piracy is something that skyrocketed with the creation of Napster, Limewire and other file sharing sites. In the early 00's with the creation of the iPod and a new need for digital music, rather than having the media in your hand, file sharing sites became huge. In part because of the generation that took hold of this concept, many people felt the music should be free once you have a device.

When a company produces an album they run off a 95% piracy rate. This means they claim that 95% of the total quantity produced will be pirated or copied and not purchased. Leaving only 5% we may begin to wonder how do the labels survive off of that and that is the task we will explore with PPI.

more about the website

This website will be an adventurous site using user friendly activities and exploration to piracy rates, who it effects, and how it effects users. Through interactivity, the user can explore graphics and images that help explain piracy and its effects. Also, I will somehow creatively incorporate an activity into the site. Graphics and pictures will heavily drive the feeling of the site.

Exploring piracy. 
Minimizing piracy. 
Pirating Process Initiative.

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